dangerous substances such as amphetamines. Experts to monitor
developments with concern.
200 grams, tiny 200 grams. That was the biggest success of countless
diets that Ralena has tried for years to come. Nothing says, the
Brazilian who had helped. But over the past four weeks seems the spell
is broken: five pounds or less away, thanks to the "magic formula",
the "rat poison" is called and drives more and more women in medical
practices and pharmacies. There they have a dangerous cocktail of
sedatives, stimulant drugs, laxatives, thyroid hormones for treatment
and antidepressants.
"I know it's not good for my health," says Ralena open. "But it's only
once." The Brazilian is an entrepreneur, married and mother of
nine-year-old twins. "Actually, everything is fine, were it not my
excess weight." With obesity refers to the 1.64-meter women's 65
kilos, which they did until recently on the scale. Turning to the body
mass index, they have normal weight. "Nevertheless, I would like my
old weight of 58 kg again," says the thirty-four. So think a lot of
Brazilians - especially women. Four tons of amphetamine swallowed more
than 1.5 million Brazilians in the past year. Making it the largest
country in South America, according to the World Health Organization
(WHO) on top of the world.
Anxiety, palpitations, insomnia
For four weeks it Ralena tried a mixture, which they got by
prescription from a doctor. "My friends have told me which doctor I
go." The women call him Caveira Doctor, Doctor Death's Head. In his
practice, she has received "a recipe for losing weight" for the
equivalent of € 70, the quantity is sufficient for six weeks. In the
branch of a pharmacy chain in Rio was redeemed their prescription and
compiled the drug for them.
For a few pounds less severe side effects women take into account
Main component, amphetamines and amphetamine derivatives such as
Anfepramona or approved only in Brazil fenproporex. "Is that part of
the sympathomimetic agents with many side effects such as increased
blood pressure, increased heart rate, palpitations, rhythm
disturbances, anxiety, insomnia, heart and chest pain, severe anxiety
to psychosis," says the nutritionist Hans Hauner, a spokesman for the
Competence Network Obesity at the hospital right of the Isar Technical
University of Munich. "Also known are the addictive potential and an
increased risk of suicide. The substance was therefore by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration approved non 'and is also banned in the
EU. "
A large gray market
Hauner followed with concern the developments in Brazil: "These
products often contain ludicrous combinations of amphetamines,
antidepressants, diuretics, often in conjunction with fiber such as
glucomannan. Of these there are many different blends, which are often
grouped under the term 'Brazilian diet pills'. This high risk for the
user. Unfortunately, there is no systematic analysis of the
consequences. The underreporting of complications may be enormous. "
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Ensure that blood pressure!
The burden of the bodies collide
In recent years, Brazil has developed into a big gray market offers,
the rich from diet pills to questionable surgical methods. These diet
pills, going to a lot of advertising on the Internet were made, even
abroad, says Hauner. "Particularly affected the United States seems to
be that there are such products as offered, dietary supplements' for
which no approval is required and will be verified as not so good."
Individual cases in Germany
In fact, since 2009, the FDA warns explicitly against the diet pills
that contain fenproporex just as a component, without the substance is
specifically stated. In Germany, such mixtures are not allowed in
Brazil, still common. Yet even here such a vulnerable Internet
services to consumers. Some cases have occurred, according to Hauner
The seller of a pharmacy in Rio de Janeiro, which advertises with the
slogan "So you feel good," says the demand for "rat poison" has
increased enormously. "About eight years demanded, as the first
customers to the product, it was still very expensive. Meanwhile,
there is very favorable. "The Brazilian security agencies are trying
to counteract the development. Such was the beginning of the year in
the "Operação Efeito Collateral" in the states of Minas Gerais and
Espirito Santo pharmacy owners in the focus of the police. Also sets
the national health authority "Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia
Sanitaria" (Anvisa) again and again inspectors.
The success of the stakes seem low. The active firms engage in drug
sales in particular, individuals under the hand of courier services,
delivery trips and the purchase. In early October banned the Anvisa
some substances that belong to the dubious diet products, including
fenproporex, mazindol and amfepramone. But because of illegal
deliveries from neighboring countries such as Paraguay is unlikely to
change much.
Delivery by courier
The 27-year-old saleswoman got their supplies at Sofia Meeting on the
open road with a courier. They also tried using the dangerous cocktail
of amphetamines to lose weight. "I had only one goal: to lose weight.
In the first few weeks, I lost three kilograms and was directly
totally euphoric "But the side effects came fast:". Felt while
driving, my fingers numb. I could not hold the steering wheel
properly. My thirst was increasing. Sometimes I drank six liters a
day. "
Sofia had high blood pressure, some days it was her so badly that she
almost fainted. Of sports could no longer think. "I'm still sweating
permanently. There were also headaches, mood swings, symptoms of
paralysis. "Her friends had the" magic formula "to heart. "They
thought it was quite natural, compiled from plants and herbs. I knew
well that this could not be, but I wanted to believe you. "
A fallacy with consequences: Six years of increasingly larger doses
consumed Sofia. She tried to stop. But without taking her bowel
functioned no longer correct, and they felt withdrawal symptoms. In
August 2010, Sofia went into an addiction clinic. Since then, she does
not need the weight-loss agent. "I had painful experience, but I know
now. For there is no miracle weight loss pills"