medication and pills used in weightloss.
PILLS against OVER WEIGHT - Thick problem can not swallow away
The obesity wegschlucken easy. What are appetite suppressants with sounds so simple, but it is nicht.Bild: dpa
Of editor Andreas Schloder
In the fight against obesity and diabetes diet and exercise are often insufficient. Physicians and patients expect from anorectic drug crucial assistance. But experience has shown that there are bitter pills for the patients - if not deadly.
The obesity and diabetes wegschlucken easy. What is easy in appetite suppressants may sound, it is not. On the contrary: The German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) are meanwhile more than reluctant when new drugs come on the market and advertised as a silver bullet. The past is the hormone researchers demonstrated one thing: How promising the drugs were touted as the consequences were fatal. Because of severe side effects, in many cases, even leading to death, the specimens were removed from the market.
The view of the still authorized products designed therefore very clear. In Germany is currently the only drug Xenical available as DGE spokesperson Professor Helmut Schatz from Bochum is quoted in a press release. "Its active ingredient Orlistat blocks fat digestion in the gut, thereby reducing caloric intake," according to the endocrinologist. Although the drug did, according treasure proved to be safe, "but not because of its laxative effect very popular."
The older, the worse: During the 20 - to 24-year 29 percent of men and 18 percent of women have too much fat on the hips, there are in the group of 70 - to 74-year-old three out of four men - at the women there are two out of three.
This is a relatively harmless side effect. Two years ago, after treasure 'details the drug Meridia has been withdrawn because it contained significant risks to the heart and circulation. Turned out to be just as dangerous as the drug Acomplia. This has caused such severe psychological crises to suicidal thoughts, that the European Medicines Commission decided in October 2008 to stop the approval.
New wonder drug from the U.S.?
Understandable that the euphoria has in introducing a new drug to disillusionment. Currently direct the endocrinologist their eye to the United States, where for the first time in ten years are within a few weeks the same two drugs for weight loss come on the market. It is to the appetite suppressant and Belviq Osymia - the DGE expects that this should be authorized in the European region in the near future.
-Pr excuses, first part: I have bad genes, my parents were already tied together. True - but scientists have demonstrated that obese parents bring children only two pounds more than the average on the scale. No longer.
The Belviq drug activate treasure According nerve cells in the brain that inhibit appetite. But with side effects: headache, nausea, and constipation can result. Qsymia contrast, was composed of two known drugs whose previous adverse reaction to the objective. "For these, for some time used for other disease drugs observed as a side effect of weight loss," reports the Bochum endocrinologist.
Appetite suppressants are not a lifestyle drugs
The effect is limited, however: In the clinical trials, the subjects were given the drugs administered supportive diet and lost about ten percent of their weight. Stressing treasure that these agents were not lifestyle drugs with which the overweight might quickly lose pounds without dieting.
"Both drugs are approved only for obese people whose body mass index has risen more than 30", clarifies the expert. However, there are exceptions: "If additional risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol are present, is a use already permitted as a BMI of 27," adds the Bochum.
But it can also be a crucial problem. Qsymia makes the heart beat faster. If pregnant despite taking the drug prohibition continue to consume, increases, according to treasure the risk that the child with a cleft lip or palate is born. There have also been cases of cancer in animal experiments, but what did not confirm in the clinical trials.
Although patients are hoping for help from the preparations at DGE urges caution. France is the abschreckendste example. To 2009 in the neighboring country the drug Mediator was approved despite known risks. The result: It is estimated that up to that time, 1,300 people died of heart valve defects - another 3000 patients had to be hospitalized. Since May this year, the process against the manufacturer.