Makes the low-fat diet fat?
The list reportedly particularly effective diets is endless - Decreasing the jungle, you can get lost quickly. New results provide a reference point of an American research team. The most important finding: Fat is essential to long-term stay slim. What the scientists also have found and what is the healthiest diet for now, most effective, click here.
A low-fat diet is no guarantee of permanent weight loss - on the contrary
What's Abspeck method do you prefer? Perhaps the "Stone Age Diet" Paleo, which is based on the diet of the Neanderthal man, who ate mostly just meat and fish, but according to recent findings, including eggs, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, mushrooms and fruit? Or would you prefer the GI diet which is based on the effect of nutrition on the insulin the other hand? low-carb and low fat should still be quite effective, and researchers from the "Boston Children's Hospital" in Massachusetts have the world of dieters now proved a useful service You have searched for an answer to all the confusing weight loss questions. And they want to have even been found.
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Study leader David Ludwig and his team suggest in the American magazine "JAMA".. Fingers away from the low-fat diet - that is, a reduced fat diet like the pounds in this way but tumble in the short term, but of life is not this weight loss method, the Reason: The low-fat diet lowers the energy metabolism of the body, which switches at a lower caloric intake on the back burner do all diets, but in the case of a low-fat diet is leaves the body down very radically, and the lower the metabolic rate, the weaker the.. Calorie consumption -.. losing weight long term heavy was the a four-week diet trial under 21 male volunteers who each received the same number of calories better shut the permanent slimming with the low-carb diet, so a reduced carbohydrate intake - The catch is, however, the concomitant increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
The clear winners of the study: the GI diet. Here, the blood sugar levels with diet as low as possible. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a particularly high level of insulin production is triggered by the consumption of sugary foods. Much insulin in the body is present, sugar is converted into fat, thus leading to obesity. Accordingly, the recommended foods include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products with reduced fat, lean meat, poultry and fish. We advise against including sugar, sweets, white bread and potatoes.
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To summarize: The GI diet is the healthiest and most effective long-term diet method. And calorie is a calorie is not - it is in fact the study to not at all no matter in what form we take calories to us. Quite apart from the fact that the slimming course in combination with a lot of motion works best - and helping to keep the new weight permanently.