Monday, 21 November 2011

Hightower died from diet pills

The fans loved him silly film classics: Charles "Bubba" Smith. The man
behind the Long-beanpole-cop in the "Police Academy" movies, died in
August and by the public rather scant attention. The cause of death
remained unknown - until now.

Bubba was known already in the sixties as a football player, he later
tried his hand as an actor. His breakthrough finally celebrated in
1984 in "Police Academy". In six of the seven Bödelstreifen about a
U.S. police academy, he gave Moses Hightower, a pleasant two-foot
giant with enormous clout.

After the completion of the cult series 1989, it became quiet around
Bubba. Fought the last 66-year-old with high blood pressure and heart
problems. On 3 August found him dead, his housekeeper at his home in
Los Angeles.

Bubba Smith as Hightower in "Police Academy" (Image: Warner Bros. / rental)

Apparently Bubba tried to cure by means of slimming pills. What is
known now, the star died of an overdose Phetermin is a common appetite