Saturday, 6 October 2012

proven weight loss with pills

Online decrease with LowFett 30 - success is through higher education

The nutritional approach LowFett 30 is based on the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), is recognized in the art and has been provided by Stiftung Warentest and Ökotest with honors. The only among online weight loss programs is LowFett 30 permanent scientifically examined and monitored.

Three studies in collaboration with the Lower Rhine University have illuminated different aspects of online slimming.
Efficacy study: The research team of Prof. Christof Menzel has analyzed the values ​​of more than 2,200 participants and investigated by the health insurance associations and numbers of field reports on effectiveness and in a second study on sustainability. A third, in the summer of 2012, completed academic work has analyzed the behavior and attitude changes from 1,000 participants / inside the context of the course.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

weight loss Crash diets improve health

Extreme diets are harmful not apparently

According to a recent meta-harm temporary cash diets of health does not improve, but the long-term health.

Aberdeen - A very low-calorie diet, a so-called extreme diet can cause a couple of weeks away for long-term health benefits. Scientists at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen found that the cause "crash diets" not only to significant weight loss, but also reduce blood pressure, increase fertility and reduce the risk of asthma.

What good is the weight loss diet?

Eat, eat hungry: What good is the new Pig-Out Diet?

Really pack a punch, then hungry, and always beautiful in the whole exchange: This is - simply put - the concept on which the so-called new Pig-Out-based diet. For a TV documentary, a British journalist underwent a month of stark change in diet. The result: The pound tumbled. But experts are sounding the alarm!

The new Pig-Out diet works with the motto: Only tuck in, then starved (image: think stock)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

low fat diets good for weightloss?

Makes the low-fat diet fat?

The list reportedly particularly effective diets is endless - Decreasing the jungle, you can get lost quickly. New results provide a reference point of an American research team. The most important finding: Fat is essential to long-term stay slim. What the scientists also have found and what is the healthiest diet for now, most effective, click here.

A low-fat diet is no guarantee of permanent weight loss - on the contrary

What's Abspeck method do you prefer? Perhaps the "Stone Age Diet" Paleo, which is based on the diet of the Neanderthal man, who ate mostly just meat and fish, but according to recent findings, including eggs, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, mushrooms and fruit? Or would you prefer the GI diet which is based on the effect of nutrition on the insulin the other hand? low-carb and low fat should still be quite effective, and researchers from the "Boston Children's Hospital" in Massachusetts have the world of dieters now proved a useful service You have searched for an answer to all the confusing weight loss questions. And they want to have even been found.
Besides food without remorse: Healthy snacks on desk
Study leader David Ludwig and his team suggest in the American magazine "JAMA".. Fingers away from the low-fat diet - that is, a reduced fat diet like the pounds in this way but tumble in the short term, but of life is not this weight loss method, the Reason: The low-fat diet lowers the energy metabolism of the body, which switches at a lower caloric intake on the back burner do all diets, but in the case of a low-fat diet is leaves the body down very radically, and the lower the metabolic rate, the weaker the.. Calorie consumption -.. losing weight long term heavy was the a four-week diet trial under 21 male volunteers who each received the same number of calories better shut the permanent slimming with the low-carb diet, so a reduced carbohydrate intake - The catch is, however, the concomitant increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Protein bread does not help you lose weight.

Calorie protein bread

Protein bread contains three to ten times as much fat as ordinary bread.

Protein bread does not help you lose weight. Consumer advocates warn that because the excessive consumption. In a comparative test has been shown that the majority of protein bread varieties "were calorie than regular bread", said the Consumer Bavaria (VZB) with. A total of ten types of bread have been investigated.

Video food combining: proteins and carbohydrates in focus
Seven myths to the test protein
Good carbs, bad carbs
I'm falling thick? Take the test.
Saturated, but not thick: The top 15 hunger stopper
AID experts around the forum about weight
More fat than normal bread
The result: The amount of fat in the egg white bread was three to ten times higher than normal bread. Why would "remove any person" of protein bread alone, said VZB-nutritionist Daniela Krehl.

Weight Watchers: full point, and win weightloss?

Weight Watchers is one of the largest and most successful diet networks in the world. But there are few independent studies on the effectiveness of the points-food system. Weight Watchers is really as good? Five points of criticism, you should know.

A good day in the life of a Weight Watchers might look like this: For breakfast, pumpernickel bread with cottage cheese and cheese. It takes only six points on the account and makes neat enough. The coffee (black) is even free. Lunch in the canteen no grilled sausages, but only potatoes, gravy and broccoli (twelve points). For this purpose a non-alcoholic beer (two instead of four points), for dessert a little sin: Mousse au Chocolat (four points). After the evening cucumber salad (five points) 29 points from the personal point are used. Two must be burned up yet, but for what? An apple, or maybe a handful of chips?

Weight Watchers makes a point of feeding the world in which there are pineapple and onion soup for all dining and drinkable own point values. For every dieters a daily allowable score is calculated, you may consume. Keeps the Weight Watcher to it, it decreases. But the system has its limits: Five Issues of Weight Watchers.
First The Weight Watchers points system greatly simplifies

After the initial scoring system was for the formula of Weight Watchers points significantly, especially calories, fat and fiber content, it had a handful of chips and an apple the same point values. That can not be properly said to Weight Watchers CEO David Kirchhoff, when he took a few years ago the leadership of the world's largest commercial weight-loss network. He felt that the scoring system is too coarse.

The calorific value of a food to determine food chemist by burning in a calorimeter. Apple pure, arc of, wuuuusch - leaving a pile of ashes. Unfortunately, the human body is no oven, some substances in the diet can not exploit the body, such as contained in plant cellulose. From the measured value, therefore, the calorific value of the undigested residue is removed.

The fee-based programs of Weight Watchers is a diet less than a food system. Dieters to change their habits in the long term in order to achieve their desired weight and to keep. All foods are allowed, each has an assigned point value with a specific formula.
Points System
Food-point values
Even this so-called physiological calorific value is only an approximation to the reality that takes place in the stomach and intestines. Chewing salivation, gastric acid production - all this requires energy, which the body needs to invest only once to unlock the food.
Net remain so fewer calories left as indicated on the packaging. For each food, the investment costs are of different heights, proteins are harder to crack than fats. So Weight Watchers points system introduced in 2010, the revised "POINTS" field. The apple and almost all other fruits have since then no points. Nevertheless, the criticism: A point system in the complex processes in the body can not reproduce in its entirety.